Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Communism is basicly a economic and political system based on the principle. Karl Marx's never agreed with the idea of capitalism, he didn't agreed with the fact that the rich became more rich and the poor became more poor, there was more benefit for the rich. Then communism came Karl Marx describe communism as not a set of measures to be put into practice after the seizure of power. Communism s considered to be the branch of socialism,a broad group of social and political ideologies which draws on the various political and intellectual movements. ALso it is a equal right among the people, and the system in place of factory owners getting all the money along with others influence. Marx saw the worker as the good guys and the factories owner as the bad guys because they workers were treated unfairly and the boss took advantage of the workers. Marx wanted Communism to take over the world because this way not only the people of England will have equal rights everyone else in the world will have equal rights. This way people were able to be treated how they are suppose to.

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