Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cause of WWI

The primary causes of nationalism was that nationalism was ignore in favor of preserving the peace. Nationalism created a problem for Austria Hungary and the Balkan, areas comprised of many conflicting national groups. Militarism was a primary cause most of the countries in the hostile camp were building large armies and navies during they years before. Military office developed and tended to dominate the civil authorities . Before the problem happen the country had drawn up complete plan of the mobilization. The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria was in 1914 he was shot, he was killed by a Sebian Nationalist. Then after that Germany was with Austria and the Russia move up and defend Balkan friends. Then nationalisnm turn Frechman against German and Russian against Austria
Another reason the Great War started was because of Imperialism, Great Britain, Germany adit was able to spread to differet places like Belgium and the Great Britain. The alliance system was another reason for WWI.

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