Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mustafa Kemal (aka: Ataturk)

The ottoman Empire was one of the biggest empires. It was very large. The Ottaman empire was one of the loosing side that lost durig WW1. In conclusion of WW1 the empire split up to many countries , for example one was Turkey.AS presidentfor 15 yrs,Mustafa kemal Ataturk he introduced the abroad range and swift and sweeping reforms. He hade many achievement in Turkey.However the most were after the claer WESTERn ideal . He believed that the way that Muslim countries should be run is by outlived itself. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk basicly wanted to modernize Turkey.He introduces abroad rang a political system that took many thing from Wester system, he never alloed no political pluralism only allowed his own Republican People's party. He also introduces the abroad range of swift and sweeping reforms; in political, social legal, economic, and and andultural sphere, to give his nation happiness and make everybody equal, that what he wanted(Equal rights)

*secular: is the state of being separate from religion

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