Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson: Night and Fog

Night and Fog is a documentary film about the Nazi in the concentration camp. The film is directed by Alain Resnais and written by jean Caryon who won the Jean virgo for 1956. Some of my reactions to "Night and fog" was very surprised shock, very sad and its so hard to believe how humans can do this to other human being. Yes, I find the film very powerful, a lot of dead bodies, a lot of cruelty, a lot of unfairness, it shows how much pain the Jews had to live with, little kids so young dying, babies getting killed,  how much the Jews worked and they weren't feed or anything,  it showed the crematory, the ovens , the bathroom, it just makes you just want to cry. It compares with the scene you view from Schindler's list because some of the scenes from the documentary night and Fog are used in Schindler's list. For example the scene of the train when they are about to go in it. The documentary shows you more of the Holocaust because it shows you what really happened is not making anything up or adding any more scenes.

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