Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

The Cold War was describes as the control competition and hostility that developed between US and USSR. During WII the USSR were the US alliance, however after the World War II they were no longer alliances they were enemies. The US hate communism and the Russia are communism, while the US is capitalism. In the film the US and the USSR were competing about who is going first to space. The USSR was always more ahead then the US the USSR went to space first. However then the US went to the moon, which made them more ahead, the US was winning the competition. Some scenes from the film that will help me remember about the cold war events is when the launch the ship up into space and when they try so many times and some of the time the mission failed. Also they send monkey into space first instead of humans because they were scared of the humans dying. However this made US look bad because the Russia went to space and didn't send monkeys they send humans. Another scene is when they were trying to get the plane much more further and they accomplish it. The Cold War their wasn't violence just a lot of talking.

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